Lady with dark hair pulled back in ponytail wearing black top in front of beige wall


Assistant Professor of German • Fulbright and DAAD Fellowship Advisor

Co-Chair of 非洲 and 非洲 American Studies

Chair, German, Chinese, and Japanese

办公室 & 项目


BA: social sciences, (politics, sociology, gender studies), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany 

MA: social sciences, (politics, sociology, gender studies), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

博士:德国 & Scandinavian Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst


凯特琳巴尔 joined the Centre College faculty in 2020. Her research and teaching interests include GDR 历史, Culture and Memory, Socialism in Post-colonial Africa, 摄影, Women and Gender Studies, and post-1989 East-German literature and film.

Her dissertation Postcolonial Solidarity: East Germans in 莫桑比克, 1979-1990 offers a first detailed look at the everyday life and work experiences of East German citizens living in 莫桑比克 in the 1980s. She has curated photo-exhibitions about the everyday life experiences of East Germans in 莫桑比克 which were shown in the USA, 莫桑比克, 和德国. She is also the co-founder of the Third Generation Ost network in the United States.


  • 2018 Research Grant, Central European 历史 Society (Dissertation research in Germany)
  • 2017 Dissertation Fieldwork Research Grant, University of Massachusetts Amherst (Dissertation research in 莫桑比克)
  • 2015-2016 Fellowship, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies (Dissertation research in Germany)


  • 德国的研究 Association (GSA)
  • AATG(通用 & 肯塔基州)
  • Central European 历史 Society (CEHS)
  • Black German Heritage and Research Association (BGHRA)
  • Women in German (WIG)
  • Third Generation Ost
  • Diversity, Decolonization, and the German 课程


  • Elementary German
  • Intermediate German
  • Umwelt und Natur
  • When Women Speak – From Rosa Luxemburg to Angela Davis
  • Falsifying German 历史 in Images
  • Aktivismus in Deutschland
  • The 非洲 Origins of the Holocaust (Germany & 波兰)
  • Senior Colloquium
  • 美丽新世界


  • 巴尔,凯特琳. “Between State Mission and Everyday Life: Private Photographs of East Germans in 莫桑比克 in the 1980s.” Navigating Socialist Encounters: Moorings, Exchanges and (Dis)entanglements between Africa and East Germany. Eds., Harisch, Immanuel R., Anne Dietrich, Marcia C. Schenk, and Eric Burton. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021, 319-349.
  • 巴尔,凯特琳. "Hinterlassene Spuren: Selbstbild und Weltbild. DDR-ExpertInnen in Mosambik." Für Respekt und Anerkennung. Die mosambikanischen Vertragsarbeiter und das schwierige Erbe der DDR, Studienreihe der Landesbeauftragten, Eds., Birgit Neumann- Becker and Hans-Joachim Döring. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag GmbH, 2020, 131-144.
  • 巴尔,凯特琳 and Melanie Lorek. “‘Ja, wohin gehen sie denn?’:死!. Generation Ostdeutscher zwischen Suchen und Finden am Beispiel des 1.5 Generationskonzeptes.” Die Generation der Wendekinder: Elaboration eines Forschungsfeldes, Eds., Lettrari, 阿德里安娜, Christian Nestler and Nadja Troi-Boeck, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2017, 255-277.
  • 巴尔,凯特琳. “‘Wie war das damals’ – Blitzlicht.” Wie war das für Euch?: Die Dritte Generation Ost im Gespräch mit ihren Eltern, Eds., Enders, Judith C, Mandy Schulze, and Bianca Ely, Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag, 2016, 66-67.
  • 巴尔,凯特琳. East Germany in 莫桑比克: Private Photographs of a Forgotten Time,” Radio GDR Podcast, January 19, 2021. 
  • 巴尔,凯特琳. Why studying the GDR still matters today - The GDR as Lived Experience. In Diversity, Decolonization, and the German 课程. Blog, June 18, 2019. 
  • 巴尔,凯特琳. Traveling 莫桑比克: Family 历史 and Search for Traces. In Third Generation Ost: New Perspectives on the German Democratic Republic. Blog, September 17, 2018.
  • 巴尔,凯特琳. “Das Erzählen über die DDR ist immer noch stark Westdeutsch geprägt. In Tagesspiegel, Interview, October 23, 2014. 

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